Stepping in as the new Musical Director for the Comox Valley Children's Choir(s) this fall

I’m excited and humbled to announce I’ll be stepping in as the new Musical Director for the Comox Valley Children's Choir this fall! Sophie Simard has done so much wonderful work with these choirs (one for children and one for youth) and I'm lucky to be inheriting a great program. The choirs have a strong board of directors and committed community behind them. This has been in the works for a while and it has been wonderful to have it officially announced in the choir’s newsletter this week.

On zoom, socially distanced, however we need to adapt I know we will and I can't wait to get to work with these children and youth and lead them in making some beautiful music together. My favourite thing!

There are also some gears in motion to get a choral program up and running at Timberline High School in Campbell River, stay tuned… I’m always scheming ways to get high school students singing- these programs can be truly life changing for youth.